Scoring System
Rankings Defined
This is the pinnacle for whisky enthusiasts. We are talking about epic pours. Drams in this category demand your attention. They are challenging and complex. The whisky evolves throughout the tasting experience. Find a cozy chair, pour a dram, let it breath, and prepare to have an epiphany.
Whiskies in this category belong on your top shelf because they are phenomenal. Reach for these whiskies when you celebrate a milestone, get a promotion, or just want to treat yourself to a fine dram. You will want to share these whiskies with fellow whisky enthusiasts.
These are solid, noteworthy whiskies that you will find yourself revisiting over time. There are some great value pours in this category. These drams are likely to have mass appeal and can be shared with family and friends without hesitation. They may not blow your socks off, but they are impressive.
Whiskies in this category are unremarkable, but adequate. Sometimes you just want a simple whisky with a few enjoyable flavors. Perhaps you want a frequent sipper that does not break the bank. This is the recommended choice for a nice, middle-of-the-road whisky.
These whiskies will likely land on your bottom shelf. They are lackluster and mundane. They may be enjoyable, but you're not looking to this category for a stunner dram. You can expect a whisky that is rough around the edges.
Whiskies in this category are not recommended for the enthusiast. They have significant shortcomings that are discernible in a neat pour. The focus of these whiskies is often volume as opposed to quality. They are best enjoyed in a cocktail.
These whiskies are to be approached with caution. They may have overpowering or pungent flavors that many find off-putting. For this reason, they are impractical in a cocktail. There may be a niche market for whiskies in this category, but they should be avoided by the unadventurous.